Monday, February 28, 2011

Welcome to the 2011 NYC World Theatre Day blog


Contributed by Amanda Feldman

Every year for the past 49 years the International Theatre Institute invites a theatre luminary to share his or her reflections on theatre and international harmony. What is known as the International Message is translated into more than 20 languages, read for tens of thousands of spectators before performances in theatres throughout the world and printed in hundreds of daily newspapers. This year ITI asked Jessica Kaahwa, an inspiring playwright and theatre academic from Uganda. In addition, TCG, which is home to the US Center of ITI, has invited actor Jeffrey Wright to issue his remarks on the occasion.

We will post Jessica and Jeffrey’s messages once they are released but in the meantime, we at the New York City Theatre World Theatre Day Coalition felt the need to widen the conversation and therefore we began this blog. We reached out to theatre artists we admire mostly from here in NYC, but also some from across the country, and others from across the globe.

In the coming 26 days we couldn’t be more thrilled to share their thoughts on the present, their wishes for the future, and their reflections on the past. We are extraordinarily grateful for their time and talent and we encourage you to read and more importantly respond to their posts; hopefully making this blog truly an open conversation on theatre in a our world today.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

World Theatre Day 2011



World Theatre Day (WTD) is little over a month away (March 27, 2011). The NYC WTD
Coalition has been busy planning even more events than last year.

  • Theatrical Performances: Shows throughout the city where the international messages will be read and/or distributed. If you have a show running March 21 - 27, please let us know at
  • SPLAT Performances: Spontaneous, Public Large-scale Acts of Theatre Performances. In other words... Flash Mobs. Three really fun events, quick, easy, unique experiences and we need all the participants we can get.
  • NYC World Theatre Day Celebration: Party with friends and theatre artists from around the world, hear the International Message read by a NY theatre luminary, and watch footage from the NYC WTD Flash Mobs and from celebrations in other cities from around the world. On 3/27, 4:00pm - 7:00pm at Dixon Place.
  • NYC World Theatre Day Brunch Panel: hosted by hotINK at the Lark Play Development Center. To discuss international theatre and theatre internationally.
  • The NYC World Theatre Day blog: Beginning on March 1, 2011 the NYC World Theatre Day Blog will host local, national and international guest bloggers discussing theatre and the international theatre community.

To get involved, email
As details are announced, you can find out more at
Check out the blog at
Follow us on Twitter @nycwtd
Friend us on Facebook
